Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 14

I have become a crying commuter, the kind that just awkwardly balls while other people try not to look her way. Sometimes as I sit crying I wonder, if I lived in a small town if someone would come over and put their arm around me. Sadly in New York, the only caring individuals I get is the guy who is faking being a “social worker” to try and pick up women, needless to say, I was one of those very pathetic women. Sadly for the sake of the food for this month, due to a break-up I have been unable to eat. And by unable to eat, I mean I do not feel like writing about the food I cooked. But I did go to a yummy cheap Asian brunch place called Amber, and I went to little French place called ….?! (I will add the restaurant to my next blog). However I can talk at length about salty tears, and their 80% salt content, though truth be told I am making up the percentages. But all the same, I am on the road to happiness by way of happy food, happy people, and beautiful weather. No more talk about the great demise of relationships,

Well, street food in New York is a delicious substitute to overpriced lunch food. I have never been a sucker for peer pressure. However, I find that when it comes to a group of people ordering lunch at the office, if it doesn’t explicitly say bread/pasta I will go for it. However, sadly my stomach does not follow that rule it does not care what is in the title. I will need to become more strict, however, it is difficult to go from the world’s most adventurous eater, to the most timid. Pack lunches are quite dreamy, if done correctly. Possibly I will do a blog for a post on amazing lunches. Maybe Mr. No One will love it, and make it for himself at home.

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